Erika Bartha
Say through your heart every day, “Please put the vibration of health consciousness into the web of Christ at Earth level.”
The goal of the Heart Shine Foundation
The permanent goal of the Foundation is to develop, heal, and awaken to Ourselves through the path of love.
This path helps to maintain people’s mental health and creates balance in their lives and bodies. It helps to reduce the constant stress and the related physical symptoms in life.
Our goal is to live life in health, joy and happiness and thus to create balance in our world. Through the Foundation we can pass on health-healing techniques that improve people’s well-being and thus we can help to create happy, peaceful families through courses, meditations, books, cards and by other means.
The Heart Shine techniques reveal the spiritual cause of diseases and teach you how to waken the Self-healing ability in your body.
We pass on self-help techniques and positive sentences that strengthen the immune system, thus avoiding the development of many chronic and other diseases.
Our main goal is to provide this path of love to as many people as possible so that we can change the world where we live.
With love we can change our lives and our world. Details >>
Szívfény Alapítvány
Az Alapítvány székhelye: 6726 Szeged, Thököly utca 50/A.
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The Heart Shine Foundation’s activities
We awaken the shine in our hearts.
The Heart Shine Wakeners arouse the connection between your soul and your heart with the energy of Rainbow-shine love, which activates your body’s ability to heal itself. This is a 7th dimensional love energy. The teachings of Heart Shine have been channeled by Erika Bartha.

Erika Bartha
I am Erika Bartha, Heart Shine Wakener.
I am on the path of Heart Shine, which is a wonderful path of love and shine. I was 5 years old when I first wakened to my mission. An energy gate remained open, through which I can see and hear my shine-being Masters and helpers. They have been teaching and leading my earthly life since I was a child. I have received a lot of knowledge from them, I have gone through a lot of teaching and they have always led me with wonderful love energy. My Masters have taken me to many places in the world during my life. Read more >>
You can see our events by clicking HERE.
What is Heart Shine?
Heart Shine is a bridge between the realms of the Heavens and the Earth.
Heart Shine is a vision we bring from a higher world down here to Earth.
Heart Shine is a voice, the voice of our soul. When you start hearing it, it will change your entire life.
Heart Shine is a feeling, by which a memory is awakened in your soul.
Heart Shine is a touch through which the gentle touch of love wakes your body to this feeling.
A conscious connection between your body and your soul.
Heart Shine wakes up the real you, allowing you to see that you are a wonderful shine being in a human body.
Through It you will find your true self.
Erika Bartha
Protecting and reinforcing techniques
We provide techniques to help you increase the vibration of your body, and help you maintain that vibration in your body and in your life. This includes exercises that re-tune your body to be healthy, with good communication between your cells. You lift yourself over fear and let the higher vibration of love into your body. These techniques start a self-healing process in you, allowing you to heal your body and improve your life. Read more >>
If you would like to support our work and help Erika convey more teachings from the celestial world and pass them on in the form of courses, workshops, meditations, cards and books, you can do so by transferring your donation to the account below:
Heart Shine Foundation
IBAN HU49 1070 0024 7315 0936 5110 0005
We welcome any amount of support and thank you with a grateful heart.